The clock was ticking for a global fashion retailer caught up in a patent lawsuit. With only one weekend to build the case in Asia, finding qualified legal translators was the first step.
When this globally recognized fashion brand became embroiled in a patent lawsuit in Thailand, the cross-border litigation called for the translation of critical case materials.
As is common in the legal field, the project had a tight deadline – documentation for the lawsuit needed to be turned around in 48 hours. It was critical to find linguists that were not only efficient enough to meet the rigid deadline, but also experts in the terminology and technicality of legal materials. Once the proper linguists were identified, they would have one weekend to complete the translation of the necessary documents from Thai and Traditional Chinese into English.
The Challenge
Meeting not only the restrictive deadline, but also a limited budget, were the two biggest challenges for the project. Translation of the legal documents was an out-of-pocket, internal cost for the company, so minimizing the financial impact was crucial.
Before work could even begin, however, the largest hurdle was sourcing expert, highly-qualified linguists. The prospect of finding available English translators in short notice was a tall order. But due to the complexity of legal documents, the work would only be successful if the proper translators with a legal background were utilized to reliably translate the foreign text.
The Solution
By partnering with Propio, the company quickly received a quote, dedicated global team and the linguistic resources to complete the work. Using its global network of linguists and project managers, Propio provided an English summary translation of a Taiwanese Chinese court judgment similar to the patent lawsuit the company was facing in Thailand.
The case example from Taiwan outlined a parallel patent lawsuit. Its translation helped the fashion brand substantiate its claims in court and build a legal strategy. Along with the Taiwanese documents, Propio’s project managers and linguists worked through the weekend to complete the Thai and Chinese text in to English, which was critical to support the client’s court proceedings successfully.
Proven Results
Propio’s approach to using a summary translation saved the client precious time under its rigid timeline, and reduced the overall costs of translation. Instead of the client having to pay for the translation of all 10,000 words from the Taiwanese case documentation, Propio’s two-hour summary translation method pulled out the critical content and responsive points.
Propio’s solution also facilitated the sourcing of top linguists to accurately and quickly convert the case documentation. With a network of expert translators worldwide, Propio was able to identify English translators with the necessary legal background and expertise. This comprehensive pool of linguists prevented the client from needing to work through multiple translation agencies and locations to find resources.