Connect to an interpreter

Integrate Propio ONE with Zoom
Installing the App
The Propio ONE app for Zoom is user-managed. Individual users can install the Propio ONE app through the Zoom Marketplace. No login to any Propio site is required as part of the install process.
To use the app, you need to be a registered Propio client and have been provided with a Propio ONE access code. To sign up as a Propio client, please contact us.
Using the App
- Launch the Propio ONE app from the ‘Apps’ section of your Zoom client.
- If you launch the application while in an active call, the ‘Join Url’ field will automatically populate with the url for the active call.
To request an interpreter, provide the Access Code you are given upon Propio client registration and select a language from the dropdown list. Then, press ‘Connect to Interpreter’ and a Propio interpreter will be invited to your Zoom call.

Uninstalling the app
The Propio ONE app can be uninstalled by:
- Navigating to the ‘Added Apps’ page in the Zoom Marketplace website – App Marketplace (
- Find the Propio One app, and click the ‘Remove’ button on the right side of the table
- A confirmation dialog will appear
- Click ‘Remove’ again to uninstall the app from your Zoom account